

New Syllabus Upload Process

August 8, 2024

51Âþ»­Chicago is pleased to announce the adoption of , a platform designed to streamline the process of uploading course syllabi each term. All faculty teaching graduate or undergraduate courses are expected to upload the final/official copy of a syllabus for each course taught in every term within an academic year. 

The process is straightforward. You can log in using your standard 51Âþ»­Chicago SSO credentials. To get started, please watch this brief training video: 


Please note: If you are not actively teaching a course or have administrative privileges and are already logged into your browser with SSO, you may encounter an error message and will not be able to access Simple Syllabus.

As we approach the start of each term, each faculty member will also receive individual email reminders with links to each course for uploading syllabi.