

Professors Emeriti and Others


Julie Ward, PhD

Title/s:  Professor

Email: jward@luc.edu

External Webpage:


Julie Ward (PhD, Univ. California, San Diego) is Professor of philosophy at Loyola University, where she specializes in Greek philosophy, and topics in feminist philosophy. Her publications include: Feminism and Ancient Philosophy (Routledge, 1996); Philosophers on Race (Blackwell, 2002, co-ed. T. Lott); and Aristotle on Homonymy Dialectic and Science (Cambridge, 2008). She has published papers in Aristotle's psychology and metaphysics, ancient skepticism, and also on Simone de Beauvoir and critical race theory. She is currently working on a book devoted to the development of the concept of physis, or nature, in the thought of Plato and Aristotle.

Dr. Ward arrived at Loyola in 1990, after teaching at University of Oregon, Mt. Holyoke, and Stanford University. She offers graduate courses primarily in Greek philosophy, especially Aristotle's psychology, ethics, and metaphysics. In addition to ancient philosophy, her undergraduate teaching covers ethics and social philosophy, with a focus on race and gender, and philosophy and film.


University of California, San Diego

Research Interests

Ancient philosophy, especially Plato, Aristotle, Hellenistic philosophy, feminism