

Urban Studies: Course Offerings

Seeking Solutions to Pressing Urban Issues in Partnership with Chicago Communities

Please see the program requirements for the:


Theory, Research, & Capstone Courses for Fall 2023   

Urban Theory
ECON 320 101 Urban Economics Han,Joel Kaiyun (PI) WTC CLC 0421 MWF 12:35 PM 01:25 PM
SOCL 234 001 City, Suburbs & Beyond   LSC DU 123 MWF 09:20 AM 10:10 AM
Research Methods
CJC 205 001 Research Methods Watkins,William C. (PI) LSC MUND 0607 MWF 01:40 PM 02:30 PM
CJC 205 002 Research Methods Watkins,William C. (PI) LSC MUND 0607 MWF 10:25 AM 11:15 AM
CJC 205 003 Research Methods Petrich,Damon Myles (PI) LSC CC 140 TTh 01:00 PM 02:15 PM
COMM 365 20E Natrlstic Meth Comm Rsrch Kaplan-Weinger,Judith D (PI) WTC CLC 0302 MWF 10:25 AM 11:15 AM
COMM 367 20W Rhetorical Criticism Pribisic,Milan (PI) WTC CLC 0525 TTh 02:30 PM 03:45 PM
PSYC 306 01W Research Methods in Psyc Neal,Jane (PI) LSC LSB 212 MWF 08:15 AM 09:05 AM
PSYC 306 03W Research Methods in Psyc Davis,Steven (PI) LSC IC 230 MWF 01:40 PM 02:30 PM
PSYC 306 04W Research Methods in Psyc Haden,Catherine A (PI) LSC CH 111 TTh 11:30 AM 12:45 PM
PSYC 306 05W Research Methods in Psyc Neal,Jane (PI) LSC CC 142 MWF 11:30 AM 12:20 PM
PSYC 306 06W Research Methods in Psyc Neal,Jane (PI) LSC LSB 412 MWF 02:45 PM 03:35 PM
PSYC 306 07W Research Methods in Psyc Talbot,Mary Elizabeth (PI) LSC CH 103 W 07:00 PM 09:30 PM
PSYC 306 08W Research Methods in Psyc Osteen,Chad M (PI) LSC CH 206 M 04:15 PM 06:45 PM
PSYC 306 09W Research Methods in Psyc Moaz,Salma Mohamed Fathi (PI) LSC DU 229 MWF 08:15 AM 09:05 AM
PSYC 306 10W Research Methods in Psyc Gobel,Eric William (PI) LSC CH 111 MWF 01:40 PM 02:30 PM
PSYC 306 700N Research Methods in Psyc Price,Devon (PI) / Barry,Kelly Ann (BB) ONLN ONLINE      
SOCL 206 001 Princ Social Research Figert,Anne E (PI) LSC CH 203 MWF 01:40 PM 02:30 PM
CJC 372 001 Race, Ethnicity & Crim Just Kurti,Zhandarka (PI) LSC MUND 0607 MWF 09:20 AM 10:10 AM
CJC 372 002 Race, Ethnicity & Crim Just Martensen,Kayla Marie (PI) LSC MUND 0607 TTh 10:00 AM 11:15 AM
COMM 306 001 Environmental Advocacy Raja,Urooj (PI) ONLN ONLINE MWF 10:25 AM 11:15 AM
ENVS 207 001 Plants and Civilization Peterson,Christopher G (PI) LSC IES 110 MWF 01:40 PM 02:30 PM
ENVS 218 001 Biodiversity & Biogeography Dinsmore,Mary P (PI) LSC IES 110 TTh 01:00 PM 02:15 PM
ENVS 218 002 Biodiversity & Biogeography Dinsmore,Mary P (PI) LSC IES 110 TTh 02:30 PM 03:45 PM
ENVS 223 001 Soil Ecology Sinche,Federico (PI) LSC IES 218 TTh 10:00 AM 11:15 AM
ENVS 223 002 Soil Ecology Sinche,Federico (PI) LSC IES 218 TTh 11:30 AM 12:45 PM
ENVS 224 001 Climate Change Jing,Ping (PI) LSC MUND 0406 TTh 10:00 AM 11:15 AM
ENVS 224 002 Climate Change Jing,Ping (PI) LSC MUND 0406 TTh 11:30 AM 12:45 PM
ENVS 224 003 Climate Change DiMaio,Richard (PI) LSC CC 114 W 04:15 PM 06:45 PM
ENVS 224 004 Climate Change DiMaio,Richard (PI) LSC CC 114 W 07:00 PM 09:30 PM
ENVS 226 01E Freshwater Ecosystems Casper,Andrew (PI) LSC IES 123 MW 02:45 PM 04:00 PM
ENVS 274 001 Chemistry of the Environment   LSC IES 110 MWF 10:25 AM 11:15 AM
ENVS 283 A02 Environmental Sustainability Carere,Mario (PI) ROME   M 09:00 AM 12:00 PM
ENVS 283 A03 Environmental Sustainability   ROME     09:00 AM 12:00 PM
ENVS 380 001 Intro. to GIS Ribant,Michael (PI) LSC CC 105 Th 06:30 PM 09:00 PM
ENVS 380 002 Intro. to GIS Zhang,Bo (PI) LSC CC 105 TTh 11:30 AM 12:45 PM
HIST 385 201 Chicago in America Gilfoyle,Timothy J. (PI) WTC CLC L09 W 02:45 PM 05:15 PM
PLSC 392 020 Environmental Politics Condon,Meghan (PI) LSC MUND 0606 TTh 08:30 AM 09:45 AM
PLSC 392 021 Environmental Politics Condon,Meghan (PI) LSC MUND 0606 TTh 10:00 AM 11:15 AM
SOCL 125 001 Chicago: Urban Metropolis Begicevic,Alma (PI) LSC MUND 0506 TTh 08:30 AM 09:45 AM
SOWK 370 003 Power, Oppress, Priv., Soc Jus Krings,Amy (PI) ONLN ONLINE W 07:00 PM 09:30 PM
Capstone Course Series
PLSC/SOCL 335 01E Urban Semester Seminar Spitz,Gina A (PI) LSC Granada 420 W 01:40 PM 05:15 PM
PLSC/URB 397 001 Urban Studies Research Spitz,Gina A (PI) LSC Granada 420 W 01:40 PM 05:15 PM


Seeking Solutions to Pressing Urban Issues in Partnership with Chicago Communities

Please see the program requirements for the:


Theory, Research, & Capstone Courses for Fall 2023   

Urban Theory
ECON 320 101 Urban Economics Han,Joel Kaiyun (PI) WTC CLC 0421 MWF 12:35 PM 01:25 PM
SOCL 234 001 City, Suburbs & Beyond   LSC DU 123 MWF 09:20 AM 10:10 AM
Research Methods
CJC 205 001 Research Methods Watkins,William C. (PI) LSC MUND 0607 MWF 01:40 PM 02:30 PM
CJC 205 002 Research Methods Watkins,William C. (PI) LSC MUND 0607 MWF 10:25 AM 11:15 AM
CJC 205 003 Research Methods Petrich,Damon Myles (PI) LSC CC 140 TTh 01:00 PM 02:15 PM
COMM 365 20E Natrlstic Meth Comm Rsrch Kaplan-Weinger,Judith D (PI) WTC CLC 0302 MWF 10:25 AM 11:15 AM
COMM 367 20W Rhetorical Criticism Pribisic,Milan (PI) WTC CLC 0525 TTh 02:30 PM 03:45 PM
PSYC 306 01W Research Methods in Psyc Neal,Jane (PI) LSC LSB 212 MWF 08:15 AM 09:05 AM
PSYC 306 03W Research Methods in Psyc Davis,Steven (PI) LSC IC 230 MWF 01:40 PM 02:30 PM
PSYC 306 04W Research Methods in Psyc Haden,Catherine A (PI) LSC CH 111 TTh 11:30 AM 12:45 PM
PSYC 306 05W Research Methods in Psyc Neal,Jane (PI) LSC CC 142 MWF 11:30 AM 12:20 PM
PSYC 306 06W Research Methods in Psyc Neal,Jane (PI) LSC LSB 412 MWF 02:45 PM 03:35 PM
PSYC 306 07W Research Methods in Psyc Talbot,Mary Elizabeth (PI) LSC CH 103 W 07:00 PM 09:30 PM
PSYC 306 08W Research Methods in Psyc Osteen,Chad M (PI) LSC CH 206 M 04:15 PM 06:45 PM
PSYC 306 09W Research Methods in Psyc Moaz,Salma Mohamed Fathi (PI) LSC DU 229 MWF 08:15 AM 09:05 AM
PSYC 306 10W Research Methods in Psyc Gobel,Eric William (PI) LSC CH 111 MWF 01:40 PM 02:30 PM
PSYC 306 700N Research Methods in Psyc Price,Devon (PI) / Barry,Kelly Ann (BB) ONLN ONLINE      
SOCL 206 001 Princ Social Research Figert,Anne E (PI) LSC CH 203 MWF 01:40 PM 02:30 PM
CJC 372 001 Race, Ethnicity & Crim Just Kurti,Zhandarka (PI) LSC MUND 0607 MWF 09:20 AM 10:10 AM
CJC 372 002 Race, Ethnicity & Crim Just Martensen,Kayla Marie (PI) LSC MUND 0607 TTh 10:00 AM 11:15 AM
COMM 306 001 Environmental Advocacy Raja,Urooj (PI) ONLN ONLINE MWF 10:25 AM 11:15 AM
ENVS 207 001 Plants and Civilization Peterson,Christopher G (PI) LSC IES 110 MWF 01:40 PM 02:30 PM
ENVS 218 001 Biodiversity & Biogeography Dinsmore,Mary P (PI) LSC IES 110 TTh 01:00 PM 02:15 PM
ENVS 218 002 Biodiversity & Biogeography Dinsmore,Mary P (PI) LSC IES 110 TTh 02:30 PM 03:45 PM
ENVS 223 001 Soil Ecology Sinche,Federico (PI) LSC IES 218 TTh 10:00 AM 11:15 AM
ENVS 223 002 Soil Ecology Sinche,Federico (PI) LSC IES 218 TTh 11:30 AM 12:45 PM
ENVS 224 001 Climate Change Jing,Ping (PI) LSC MUND 0406 TTh 10:00 AM 11:15 AM
ENVS 224 002 Climate Change Jing,Ping (PI) LSC MUND 0406 TTh 11:30 AM 12:45 PM
ENVS 224 003 Climate Change DiMaio,Richard (PI) LSC CC 114 W 04:15 PM 06:45 PM
ENVS 224 004 Climate Change DiMaio,Richard (PI) LSC CC 114 W 07:00 PM 09:30 PM
ENVS 226 01E Freshwater Ecosystems Casper,Andrew (PI) LSC IES 123 MW 02:45 PM 04:00 PM
ENVS 274 001 Chemistry of the Environment   LSC IES 110 MWF 10:25 AM 11:15 AM
ENVS 283 A02 Environmental Sustainability Carere,Mario (PI) ROME   M 09:00 AM 12:00 PM
ENVS 283 A03 Environmental Sustainability   ROME     09:00 AM 12:00 PM
ENVS 380 001 Intro. to GIS Ribant,Michael (PI) LSC CC 105 Th 06:30 PM 09:00 PM
ENVS 380 002 Intro. to GIS Zhang,Bo (PI) LSC CC 105 TTh 11:30 AM 12:45 PM
HIST 385 201 Chicago in America Gilfoyle,Timothy J. (PI) WTC CLC L09 W 02:45 PM 05:15 PM
PLSC 392 020 Environmental Politics Condon,Meghan (PI) LSC MUND 0606 TTh 08:30 AM 09:45 AM
PLSC 392 021 Environmental Politics Condon,Meghan (PI) LSC MUND 0606 TTh 10:00 AM 11:15 AM
SOCL 125 001 Chicago: Urban Metropolis Begicevic,Alma (PI) LSC MUND 0506 TTh 08:30 AM 09:45 AM
SOWK 370 003 Power, Oppress, Priv., Soc Jus Krings,Amy (PI) ONLN ONLINE W 07:00 PM 09:30 PM
Capstone Course Series
PLSC/SOCL 335 01E Urban Semester Seminar Spitz,Gina A (PI) LSC Granada 420 W 01:40 PM 05:15 PM
PLSC/URB 397 001 Urban Studies Research Spitz,Gina A (PI) LSC Granada 420 W 01:40 PM 05:15 PM