Resource Page
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Published Resources:
Araujo, S.J., Robert John and John A. Lucal, S.J. Papal Diplomacy and the Quest for Peace: The Vatican and International Organizations from the Early Years to the League of Nations. Ann Arbor: Sapientia Press of Ave Maria University, 2004. Print.
Cruzado, S.J., Miguel, et al. A Más Universal, Más Divino: Misión e Inclusión en la Iglesia de Hoy. Lima: Fondo Editorial Universidad Antonio Ruiz de Montoya, 2008. Impresión.
Espinosa de Rivero, Oscar (Ed.). Cartas de Navegación: Reflexiones Sobre Cultura, Éthica, y Política en el Perú. Lima: Fondo Editorial Universidad Antonio Ruiz de Montoya, 2008. Impresión.
Gamio Gehri, Gonzalo. Tiempo de Memoria: Reflexiones Sobre Derechos Humanos y Justicia Transicional. Lima: CEP, 2009. Impresión.
Garbarino, James. Children and the Dark Side of Human Experience: Confronting Global Realities and Rethinking Child Development. New York: Springer, 2008. Print.
Hermansen, Marcia K. (Trans). The Conclusive Argument from God: Shah Wali Allah of Deli's Hujjat Allah as-Baligha. Islamabad: Islamic Research Institute, 2003. Print.
Ingram, David. Group Rights: Reconciling Equality and Difference. Lawrence, KS: University Press of Kansas, 2000. Print.
Rights, Democracy, and Fulfillment in the Era of Identity Politics. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2004. Print.
Klaiber, S.J., Jeffrey. The Jesuits in Latin America, 1549–2000: 450 Years of Inculturation, Defense of Human Rights, and Prophetic Witness. St. Louis, MO: Institute of Jesuit Sources, 2009. Print.
Murphy, Bren Ortega and Lee Artz. Cultural Hegemony in the United States. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, 2000. Print.
Posner, David M. The Performance of Nobility in Early Modern European Literature. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999. Print.
Schraeder, Peter J. African Politics and Society: A Mosaic in Transformation. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, 2004. Print.
Schuck, Michael J. That They Be One: The Social Teaching of the Papal Encyclicals 1740–1989. Washington, D.C.: Georgetown University Press, 1991. Print.
Susanto, S.J., Budi. Kethoprak: The Politics of the Past in the Present-Day Java. Yogyakarta: Penerbit Kanisius, 1997. Print.
Tezcür, GüneÅŸ Murat. Muslim Reformers in Iran and Turkey: The Paradox of Modernization. Austin, TX: University of Texas Press, 2010. Print.
Wardaya, S.J., Baskara T. Bung Karno Menggugat!: Dari Marhaen, CIA, Pembantaian Massal '65 Hingga G 30S. Yogyakarta: Penerbit Galangpress, 2009. Print.
Chicago Chicago: Cinta, Politik dan Kemanusiaan di Negeri Paman Sam. Yogyakarta: Penerbit Galangpress, 2006. Print.
Cold War Shadow: United States Policy Toward Indonesia, 1953–1963. Yogyakarta: Penerbit Galangpress, 2007. Print.
Articles & Chapters:
Adomenas, Mantas. "Heraclitus on Religion." Phronesis 44.2(1999): 87–113. PDF.
Anderson, John. "Catholicism and Democratic Consolidation in Spain and Poland. " West European Politics 26.1 (2003): 137–156. PDF.
Aragon, Jorge, et al. "The Uneven Reach of Decentralization: A Case Study Among Indigenous Peoples in the Bolivian Amazon. " International Political Science Review 31.2(2010): 1–16. PDF.
"Political Legitimacy and Democracy Encyclopedia of U.S. Campaigns, Elections, and Electoral Behavior." Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, 2008. PDF.
Araujo, S.J. Robert John. "Forming the Well-Formed Conscience." Journal of Catholic Legal Studies 47.2 (2008): 219–237. Print.
"The Catholic Neo-Scholastic Contribution to Human Rights: The Natural Law Foundation. " Ave Maria Law Review 1.1 (2003): 159–174. PDF.
"What is equality? Arguing the Reality and Dispelling the Myth: An Inquiry in a Legal Definition for the American Context." Quinnipiac University Law Review 27.1 (2009): 113–170. Print.
Bell, Edward. "Catholicism and Democracy: A Reconsideration." Journal of Religion and Society 10 (2008). PDF.
Dewi, Novita. "Every Book has a Voice: A Post-Colonial Reading of Gadis Pantai and Larasati." Asian Englishes 10.2 (2007): 82–91. PDF.
"Teaching Postcolonial Literature: The 'Know-What,' the 'Know-How' and the 'Know-Why'." Englishes and Literatures-in-English in a Globalized World: Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on English in Southeast Asia. Zhang, L.J., Rubdy, R., & Alsagoff, L. (Eds.). Singapore: National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, 2009. PDF.
Escalante, Soledad. PDF.
(Una versión preliminar de este trabajo fue presentada en la mesa Psicoanálisis y Filosofía en el XI Congreso de la Sociedad Peruana de Psicoanálisis "El Padre. Clínica, Género, Posmodernidad." Lima: 22–25 de Octubre del 2009.)
Espinosa, Oscar. "Desafios a la Ciudadania Multicultural en el Peru: el 'Mito del Mestizaje' y la 'Cuestion Indigena." PDF.
"La Reconfiguración del Rol de la Iglesia Cathólica en la Amazona Peruana: Los Cambios Producidosen Relación as Estado y los Indígenas Amazónicos a lo Largo del Siglo XX." Políticas Divinas: Religión, Diversidad y Política en el Perú Contemporáneo. Eds. Fernando Armas Asín, Carlos Aburto Cotrina,Juan Fonseca Ariza, and José Ragas Rojas. Lima: Instituto Riva-Agüero, 2008. Impresión.
Garbarino, James. "" American Journal of Orthopsychiatry 81.4 (2011): 443–446.
Gamio Gehri, Gonzalo. "Etica y Eclipse de Dios." PDF. (Una versión más breve de este artículo ha sido publicada en Sal Terrae Nº 91, Julio–Agosto 2003pp. 559–575.)
Glenn, Gary D and John Stack. "Is American Democracy Safe for Catholicism?" The Review of Politics 62.1 (2000): 5–29. PDF.
Handayani, Christina Siwi and Ardhian Novianto. The Authority of Javanese Woman: Reinstate Values in Javanese Culture. Yogyakarta: LKis Publisher, 2004. (PDF of Book Abstract)
Hermansen, Marcia. "Muslims in the Performative Mode: A Reflection on Muslim-Christian Dialogue." The Muslim World 94.3 (2004): 387–396. PDF.
Hinze, Christine Firer. "The Drama Of Social Sin and the (Im)Possibility of Solidarity: Reinhold Niebuhr and Modern Catholic Social Teaching." Studies in Christian Ethics 22.4 (2009): 442–460. PDF.
"Social and Economic Ethics." Theological Studies 70.1 (2009): 159–176. PDF.
"Reconsidering Little Rock: Hannah Arendt, Martin Luther King Jr., and Catholic Social Thought on Children and Families in the Struggle for Justice." Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 29.1 (2009): 25–50. PDF
Klaiber, S.J., Jeffrey. "¡Somos Iglesia!: La Iglesia del Surandino, 1960–2005." Políticas Divinas: Religión, Diversidad y Política en el Perú Contemporáneo. Eds. Fernando Armas Asín, Carlos Aburto Cotrina, Juan Fonseca Ariza, and José Ragas Rojas. Lima: Instituto Riva-Agüero, 2008. Impresión.
Lankauskas, Gediminas. "On 'Modern' Christians, Consumption, and the Value of National Identity in Post-Soviet Lithuania." Ethnos 67.3 (2002): 320–344. PDF
Mansueto, Anthony. "Religion, Pluralism, and Democracy: A Natural Law Approach." Journal of Religion and Society 10 (2008). PDF.
O'Neill, S.J., William and Lisa Fullam. "Bioethics and Public Policy." Theological Studies 71.1 (2010): 168–189. PDF.
O'Neill, S.J., William. Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 22 (2002): 183–199. PDF.
"Souvenir du mal et reconciliation sociale." Rawanda: Recit do Genocide, Traversee de la Memoire. Ed. Jean-Pierre Karegeye. Bruxelles: Université Libre de Bruxelles—La Pensée et les Hommes, 2008. PDF.
Powell, Russell. "Theology in Public Reason and Legal Discourse: A Case for the Preferential Option for the Poor." Washington and Lee Journal of Civil Rights and Social Justice 15.2 (2009): 327–404. Print.
"Catherine MacKinnon May Not Be Enough: Legal Change and Religion in Catholic and Sunni Jurisprudence." The Georgetown Journal of Gender and the Law 8.1 (2007): 1–41. Print.
"Zakat: Drawing Insights for Legal Theory and Economic Policy from Islamic Jurisprudence." Pittsburgh Tax Review 7.1 (2009): 43–101. Print.
"Toward Reconciliation in the Middle East: A Framework for Christian-Muslim Dialogue Using Natural Law Tradition." 51Âþ»Chicago International Law Review 2.1 (2004/5): 1–30. Print.
Pryce, Julia. "The Development of a Youth Mentoring Program in South India." (PDF)
"Do Catholic Socialwork Programs 'Prefer' the Poor? Results from a Content Analysis of MSW Program Syllabi." PDF.
Putinaite, Nerija. "The Good vs. the 'Own': Moral Identity of the (Post-) Soviet Lithuania." Studies in Eastern European Thought 60 (2008): 261–278. PDF.
Schuck, Michael J. "Early Modern Roman Catholic Social Thought, 1740-1890." Modern Catholic Social Teaching: Commentaries and Interpretations. Ed. Ken Himes, O.F.M. Washington, D.C.: Georgetown University Press, 2005. PDF.
"Roman Catholicism [Further Considerations]." Encyclopedia of Religion (Second Edition). Ed. Lindsay Jones. Detroit, MI: MacMillan, 2005. PDF.
Sigmund, Paul E. "The Catholic Tradition and Modern Democracy." The Review of Politics 49.4 (1987): 530–548. PDF.
Streikus, Arunas. "Destroying Religious Life in 1940-1941." PDF.
Sullivan, Barry. "Justice Jackson's Republic and Ours." Law and Democracy in the Empire of Force. Eds. H. Jefferson Powell and James Boyd White. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2009. Print.
Sayfi'i Anwar, M. "El Futuro del Islam y Democracia en Indonesia: Entre la Esperanza y la Historia." Culturas 6 (2010): 13–27. PDF.
"The Clash of Religio-Political Thought: The Contest Between Radical-Conservative Islam and Progressive-Liberal Islam in Post-Soeharto Indonesia." The Future of Secularism. Ed. T.N. Srinivasan. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 2007. PDF.
"The Future of Islam and Democracy in Indonesia: Between Hope and History." Culturas 6 (2010): 13–27. PDF
"The Interplay Between U.S. Foreign Policy and Political Islam in Post-Soeharto Indonesia." The Brookings Project on US Relations with the Islamic World. Working Paper 3 (September 2008). PDF
Tezcür, GüneÅŸ Murat. "Constitutionalism, Judiciary, and Democracy in Islamic Societies." Polity 39.4 (2007): 479–501. PDF.
Wardaya, S.J., Baskara T. "Catholics in Indonesia: A View from Historical Perspective." Prepared for the conference Asian Theology Forum on Eucharist: Preparation Meeting for FABC General Assembly. Seoul, South Korea. 17–21 May 2009. PDF.
"Dealing with Burdened Past: The Case of Indonesia." Prepared for the conference Transitional Justice and Democratization—Dealing with Burdened Past in Asia. Berlin, Germany. 17–25 April 2006. PDF.
"The Eucharist in the Threshold Tradition: The Indonesian Case." Prepared for the conference Asian Theology Forum on Eucharist: Preparation meeting for FABC General Assembly. Seoul, South Korea. 17–21 May 2009. PDF.
Wiryono Priyotamtama, S.J., Paulus. "Catholic Perspective: Building a Sense of World Community with more Justice, Peace, and Integrity of Creation." Prepared for the conference ICMICA Pax Romana International Conference on the Issue of Sustainable Human Development: Perspectives and New Paradigm. Yogyakarta, Indonesia. 20–22 July 2009. PDF.
On-Line Resources:
Freedom House is an independent watchdog organization that supports the expansion of freedom around the world. Freedom House supports democratic change, monitors freedom, and advocates for democracy and human rights. Since its founding in 1941 by prominent Americans concerned with the mounting threats to peace and democracy, Freedom House has been a vigorous proponent of democratic values and a steadfast opponent of dictatorships of the far left and the far right.
The fourth and sixth sessions (under Acta) of the Academy address questions of Catholicism and Democracy. There is also an archived document (under Miscellanea) from a workshop in 1996 on Democracy. For those who want to brush up (or begin to familiarize yourself with) Catholic perspectives on Democracy, this will be a good resource.
Political Theology is a journal that investigates and examines religious and political issues. The journal is interdisciplinary, drawing on the disciplines of theology, religious studies, politics, philosophy, ethics, cultural studies, social theory and economics. As such, it aims to reflect the diversity of religious and theological engagements with public and political life. Articles are welcome from scholars, practitioners and clergy that address religion and political life in all its variety. The journal has a review section which embraces reflections upon religion, theology, political theory, political biography, film and fiction.
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